God's approach to influencing the world is through His people. People shape people. And yet, many of God's people spectate from the sidelines unsure of what to do. Authentic Influencer is rooted in principles emerging from the life of God's choice example in the Scriptures—a man called Barnabas—rather than recycled quotes from corporate leadership works.
Every follower of Jesus can be inspired, instructed, and mobilized to influence the world from right where they are. In fact, it is everyday believers—not just "professional" Christians such as pastors, church leaders, authors, and others—who are specifically tasked by Jesus Himself to bring godly influence to the world. We are all His agents of change, be it shaping one person or a thousand.
Authentic Influencer is a Christian leadership book that:
By studying the life of Barnabas, we see how he influenced the world for Jesus Christ in practical and doable ways. Become encouraged to shape our world for Jesus— beginning with whoever happens to be close by.